The first issues of Journal de Physique I and II formalize the desire to evolve their editorial policy. This new policy takes into account the increasing role of international exchanges in scientific research. One such reform, the naming of International Editors endowed with the authority to evaluate and make decisions scientifically regarding proposed manuscripts, serves a dual purpose.
First, these editors will be responsible for making more widely known the Journal de Physique to foreign readership and the advantages of submitting an article for publication. (Already 80% of its distribution is to countries outside of France.) Also, because of their respective geographic locations and proximily to authors and therefore a reduction of mail delivery time they will greatly assist in the publication of work done by "local" scientists. (In 1989, 50% of all articles submitted came from non-French researchers.)
This group of editors, as well as the staff of scientific co-editors working in close cooperation with the Orsay Secretariat, will thus contribute to the continued publication of articles and short communications of high scientific quality in the extensive field of theoretical and experimental physics, from Atomic and Molecular Physics to Condensed Matter, while touching on "Soft" Matter. These subjects will be divided between the two monthly sections covering Fundamental Physics.
A particular effort will be made to publish in the same section theory and experiments relating to the same subject. It is noteworthy that the Editions de Physique aims to publish free of charge articles in less than three and one half months and short communications in less than two months. They will also provide 50 free reprints.
Denis Jérome
Editor in chief (JP I&II)