Sale of articles terms and conditions


This Agreement applies to all online sales of articles offered for this kind of sale on one of the Internet sites managed by EDP Sciences (the Publisher) and not covered by a subscription. Some contents are not available for online sales of articles whether it is the policy of the Publisher, or whether the Publisher has not the corresponding rights or authorization.


Orders are placed online at the Publisher's site.

According to the journal, articles may be purchased unless otherwise mentioned.

Delivery of the article(s) purchased online shall be made by downloading of said article(s) after full payment of the purchase price.


Prices may vary in time and the applicable price shall be the price mentioned in the tariff on the day of the purchase. Prices quoted do not cover additional expenses which may be due by the client to third parties (such as cost of Internet connexion, or bank charges).

Payment shall be done online, by credit card. Payment shall only be deemed complete after confirmation of payment by the client's bank. Client may receive an invoice relating to the purchase on request, at a valid email address given when he ordered.

For French residents: the terms of article L121-20-2 of the "code de la consommation" apply and sale shall not be rescindable at buyer's discretion.


Articles offered on the Publisher's site are protected in France and in the world by copyright laws and international treaties and the sale of a copy of an article does not grant the client any other right than those set out in this Agreement.

Purchase of an article grants the client the following rights:

  • download of the purchased article(s) in its entirety and safekeeping on paper or under electronic form;
  • use of the contents of the purchased article for scientific or university research;
  • use of the contents for short quotes;
  • transmission to other members of the scientific community, students or faculty teachers and staff within the limits of accepted scientific communication.

Any and all use of an article (in particular for quotes and transmission to another party) shall be made with full mention of legal notices (name of the author, name of the journal in which the article has been published, name of the Publisher) as they appear in the article.

Client may not use the purchased articles for any other purpose, modify the text, the title or the legal notice of the articles. He may not duplicate, publish, translate or adapt the article without prior consent of the Publisher.


Articles are delivered in standard Internet format using mainly ADOBE ACROBAT ® PDF. The Publisher may use another format, according to professional use.

Client shall be solely responsible for obtaining necessary hardware and software to use the articles purchased from the Publisher.

Publisher reserves its right to collect personal data from prospects and clients connected to its site (in particular their status, address, fields of interest) in order to improve its offer of services. Such data will be used in a computerized system of which the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés - as been apprised. Any interested person may request correction or omission of personal data from this system either directly on the web site, rubric "My EDPS account", or by writing to EDP Sciences, clients department, 17, avenue du Hoggar, BP 112 91944 les Ulis Cedex A, France.


Publisher shall not be responsible for contents of articles on its online site. Publisher warrants that it has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the electronic versions of its articles reflect completely and accurately the contents of the articles: however, errors may be present in the electronic versions and Publisher shall not be held liable for such possible errors and their consequences.

Publisher has made reasonable efforts to maintain the quality of the hardware and software materiel allowing online access, order and purchase operations and downloading of purchased material. Publisher shall not be responsible for any problems, errors, delays, or non compatibility of systems pertaining to the download of articles, and client shall be solely responsible for the quality of its Internet access.

Client may download purchased articles during a 48 hours time. Technical assistance is available in case of problems at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . In the event of failure to download a purchased article, Publisher shall only be liable to allow download of such article at another time.


By placing an order and paying such an order, client shall be deemed to have read and accepted this Agreement. This Agreement shall be submitted to French law and any dispute shall be settled by French Courts.